The CARLoS robot was one of this years' participants in the FreeBots competition held at the Festival Nacional de Robótica, a Portuguese national robotics competition.
A half day workshop dealing with Mobile Manipulators for Manufacturing Applications will showcase results from CARLoS project .
Inital results from CARLoS Project were explained and discused in different presentations performed within the "Special Sesion on Mobile Manipulation in Manufacturing", in IEEE ICIT 2015 (International Conference on Industrial Technology).
CARLoS was one of the EU funded projects -together with STAMINA and VALERI- showing and describing a use case for mobile manipulators in manufacturing, within the "Workshop on Mobile Manipulation in Manufacturing" in the European Robotics Forum (ERF) 2015 at Vienna.
The RTD work in CARLoS was showcased at DIRA (Danish Industrial Robot Association) roadshow, to show how future human-robot interaction and collaboration with advanced robot systems can be achieved by non-robot experts and shop floor workers. A major focus in DIRA was on simple automation solutions that can be implemented without requiring massive investment, increasing productivity and being profitable right down to small batch production.
CARLoS Project was presented in the VI Workshop on Technologies and Solutions for Industrial Automation (JAI'2014) by AIMEN.
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With the 30th anniversary of INESC, a series of publicity spots, highlighting the research and development taking place at INESC and which will be shown in public TV. One of them included the shoot of the CARLoS robot. It took place at Deltamatic, where a replica of the walls are located, and it displays the robot performing a series of maneuvers, demonstrating the Project.
CARLoS robot was presented in the 13th Mostra da Universidade do Porto
CARLoS Project showed at Navalia international shipbuilding exhibition.
The 2nd Integration Wokshop was performed at AIMEN facilities in O Porriño by researchers from AIMEN and INESC.
CARLoS Consortium met at Aalborg University in Denmark to review the ongoing work and discussing on the next steps in CARLoS Project.
The CARLoS Consortium participated in the 1st Integration Workshop celebrated at INESC facilities, in O Porto.
CARLoS Consortium met at INESC facilities in Porto to review the ongoing work and discussing on the next steps in CARLoS project.
Representatives from all the partners have attended the kickoff meeting of the CARLoS project at AIMEN facilities in O Porriño.